Concept, design and performance: Susan Kempster
Using an old video camera and a projector, the piece revolves around the micro dance of facial expressions. It is a solo show, with invited guests participating in a sequence of “face dances”. Eye takes its inspiration from the exploration of the small dance – in this case the micro dances that are occurring constantly not only in the body but in the face.
A lifetime of observation of the subtle dialogue of facial expressions and the reading of people’s inner thoughts and feelings through it. Eye is also a look at self through the lens of a camera, not a mirror. It is a close-up, a detail, an intimate diving into private worlds we sometimes wish no one could see. The piece sits somewhere between dance, performance, happening and theatre.
Toda una vida de observación del diálogo sutil de las expresiones faciales y la lectura de los pensamientos y sentimientos internos de las personas a través de ella. Eye es mirarse a sí mismo a través de la lente de una cámara, no un espejo. Es un primer plano, un detalle, una inmersión íntima en mundos privados que a veces desearíamos que nadie pudiera ver. La pieza se encuentra entre danza, actuación, entretenimiento y teatro.